The Pillars of Change
Simplicity exceeds complexity.
In my travels in search of simplicity in the sea magnum of the disciplines of personal evolution, I met many teachers, many of them lazy about it. From the most renowned academician to the last miserable man on the street, each of them accompanied me in learning.
I learned that the real ones pillars of self-knowledge, change and personal evolution in the end there are only three. A simple question that requires the coexistence of three basic starting factors.
The universe could give you what you want, are you ready to receive it?
Ask yourself if you really want what you want for yourself.
Knowing how to get what you want for you is very important. There are many tools for your personal evolution, in this site we talk about some particularly useful.
Be curious, research, discover and choose the one that suits you!
Without your permission, you are not going anywhere.
Ask yourself if you really have your most intimate permission, if you allow yourself 100% to be the full person you want.
This is the cornerstone of the process of change, the one that sustains everything. It is also the most painful point, the lack of the internal permit determines the failure of every business despite the fact that you want and know how to get there.
Take just 3 minutes to answer these 3 simple questions.
You have already taken a giant step towards a new awareness.
If you need help contact me, for personal training and path and professional training there are different solutions to get what you want.
Have a good change!
Grow up today.
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