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Scary Hypnosis!

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What is the first thing that comes to mind if I say the word HYPNOSIS?

When people ask me what I am dealing with and among other things I also mention HYPNOSIS, even just uttering the word infinite possible reactions arise, ranging from stubborn silence to an unstoppable rant. I have termed this as the "Phase of the swallowing".

The person first swallows and then ...

I don't know if this is happening to you now.

Hypnosis and curiosity are sisters. Hypnosis is often accompanied by Fear.

Dear good old Milton Erikson knew this fear well. For this he reassured his most frightened patients with a few extremely effective words:

“If he is afraid of hypnosis it is because he does not yet know it ".

This simple formula predisposes to a positive attitude as well as preparing the way for a good session, as it already contains a pre-hypnotic suggestion.

It is suggested to the Subject that once the hypnotic trance is experienced, the fear will go away in a natural way. In this way the person prepares to have a pleasant experience without too many preambles or explanations that could disorient them further.

Milton Erickson was a master of the art of hypnotic communication, after all, does not become one of the greatest hypnotherapists in history by chance.

You can always learn.

For example, in the upcoming seminar on essential hypnosis you learn not only the simplest and safest techniques but also the basics of hypnotic communication.

If the material intrigues you, it could be an excellent opportunity to begin to understand more and try easy self-hypnosis exercises that you can practise anywhere and at any time of the day.

Because, if it is true that we fear what we do not know, then let's meet!

For you 1 Online Course, Workshops, 1 Professional Master and an entirely dedicated playlist with more than 40 Videos and Tutorials


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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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