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ONLINE COURSE of HYPNOSIS and SELF-HYPNOSIS Lesson 33 - HypnoGuida #2 Increase self-esteem and self-love

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Techniques, guidelines and operational protocols for the practice of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. 

Most people determine their worth based on the estimation of others. We focus on the search for love and underestimate the importance of self-love. Self-confidence is internal and independent of external conditions. It is built with self-knowledge. In other words, self-confidence and letting go are linked, as are self-esteem and personal growth.

When you truly trust yourself, you don't care about the opinions of others. You listen to them of course, but their judgment is no longer valuable to you. Or at least not much. In this sense, self-confidence is the ability of an individual to fulfill himself according to his values.

Come aumentare l’autostima?
Coltivi la fiducia in te quando cerchi di realizzare i tuoi sogni, quando cerchi di avere successo nel raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi, ogni volta che un ostacolo ti ostacola e lo spazzi via con il dorso della mano o hai una profonda convinzione che ci arriverai, anche se non sai ancora come.

Self-confidence is the main key to success. It's both simple and complicated at the same time: getting to know yourself better. The deeper you know yourself, the more you do personal work on yourself, the more you know your strengths and weaknesses. The more you know who you are, the more you know who other people are. It is the mirror effect, which is also reflected in terms morphophysiognomic out of you because a person sure of he cultivates positive thoughts, so he certainly tends to have a healthy body, elastic skin and looks much younger than his age. Conversely, a person who spends time devaluing himself will most likely have many more wrinkles, the mind is reflected in the body.

When criticism hurts
Two of the biggest obstacles to self-esteem are criticism and self-criticism. Someone who criticizes or judges you is actually judging themselves. This projection effect is considered the norm in today's society. It really is easier to empower others than yourself. The purpose of the judge is to expel their emotional poison and self-elevation. Self-criticism is that internal voice that in a certain way recalls the ancient voices of your parents or those who raised you who told you if you were behaving right or wrong, evaluate your behavior to help you grow up by avoiding mistakes. Except that when it becomes negative it becomes a real threat to the trust we place in ourselves. Integrating these two points is very beneficial, it contributes to self-esteem.

And just to change our inner dialogue, in this lesson we learn a self-hypnosis exercise to install positive beliefs to replace negative mental chatter.

▶️ COME TI PARLI? Vedi il video sul dialogo interno per muovere i primi passi verso la tua completa autorealizzazione

▶️ Vedi il video di una sessione per curare insicurezza e dipendenze emotive con l’ipnosi.

These are generic procedures. Whatever your goal, controlling change is a matter of enjoying personal responsibility, having the pleasure of being and having. So personalize, choose the one that resonates the most in you and that will help you improve, carefully choose the sensory, sound or visual suggestions (***) to guide your unconscious. 

(***) Do you need to create a hypnosis or self-hypnosis session tailored to you? Contact me for a free quote.



Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis from A to Z: a ​​complete manual of theory and practice.

This course consists of over 45 lessons and will provide you with a practical understanding of how the human mind works and how to use the hypnosis as a natural tool to potentially improve any area of your life.

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FREE ONLINE HYPNOSIS AND SELF-HYPNOSIS COURSE Part 1. The first 6 basic lessons are free . Take some time to study it and try the techniques on your friends and family, to immediately experience the benefits of what is a true remedy of nature. To facilitate learning and practice, new lessons will be published every month, also born from the experience in Clinical Hypnosis of the American School of Hypnosis.

Complete online course of HYPNOSIS and SELF-HYPNOSIS – Part 2. If you decide that you like it, you can continue with the lessons of the second part, an ongoing structured path where new lessons are added every month, as if it were classroom teaching developed over the course of the academic year. If you would like to participate in our courses to learn live, have an important experience or maybe even a profession (moreover today in great demand), contact me to meet. In any case, the study and application of this manual will become your personal baggage of acquired knowledge and experience.

Have a nice learning!

Grow up today.

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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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