ONE YEAR OF HYPNOSIS⭐️ July self-hypnosis
Karma Regression
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Cause and effect, compensation, balancing and completion
These are the four aspects of Karma, one of the essential concepts of Hindu doctrines, according to which over the course of several lifetimes we work through our karmic cycle to achieve soul perfection, which is trapped in five different lower planes. Only when we reach a higher plane and have learned our existential lesson are we able to move on to the next level.
Regressive hypnosis can be used in many ways to help the karmic process. Observing the mistakes one continues to make can often open one's eyes. One realizes that one is making the same mistakes in this life as well, and this revelation has the effect of making one more aware of what one is doing, to the dynamics one is putting in place, more attentive to the coincidences and synchronicity daily. And of course, once you are aware of your mistakes, you are better able to remedy them.
Every month a new LIVE video 25 minutes of easy and fun sessions of free guided self-hypnosis, to improve and feel good, month after month!
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In this guided self-hypnosis you can visit your possible past lives to understand the lesson to learn and climb at a higher soul level.
For you 1 Online Course, Workshops, 1 Professional Master and an entirely dedicated playlist with more than 40 Videos and Tutorials
Grow up today.
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