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Morphophysiognomics, Human Resources and Business

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Knowing how to read the shape of the body and facial features can be crucial in the job interview, selection and management of human resources.

Have you ever known what kind of person you were dealing with at first glance? Without being aware of it, you applied the ancestral physiognomic knowledge inherent in each of us, transmitted by DNA from generation to generation. Imagine what could change if you totally recovered that forgotten natural knowledge, that is to say going back to being "consciously capable" and therefore knowing exactly what to do to have a reliable and complete profile of anyone..

Our face and body are like a book: they tell our life story, chapter by chapter. They provide a lot of information in a particular language, that of body language. We are in the world of non verbal communication, where Morphophysiognomics, the study of human shapes and physiognomy, has a prominent place.

Specifically, the “I AM” (Instant Analysis Morphophysiognomics), new Morphophysiognomics developed by Ester Patricia Ceresa, is an innovative methodology with that allows you to learn that language, so you can understand it and finally understand each other. And when you do understand each other, things are so much better in every way


Among the many practical applications of Morphophysiognomics there is also the one applied to the world of work. The moment of the interview is fundamental both for the candidate and for who hires, as reported by the various international realities on the web for job search used daily by millions of people (*).

It may be crucial at that point to be able to know persons at first sight,, both in general lines and in its specific psycho-aptitude characteristics.

It might be interesting to know, for example, that the simple form already recalls a corresponding professional aptitude, what the person is most suited for among creative, manual, intellectual jobs, etc. 

What TYPE am I dealing with?

Morphophysiognomy studies the temperament, character and personality of 8 types, called Planetary Types. They correspond to characteristics related, in part, to the myths, gods and heroes of the Latin and Greek mythological tradition. The types indicate how we are made physically and character-wise and have multiple and dynamic valence, that is, they are rarely pure, usually we are a wonderful unique combination, and they change throughout life following the changes of the person. 

To each type corresponds a physical form and a forma mentis, linked to physical form and a forma mentis, con relativa professional aptitude..

Immagine: Macse Italia

We discover, for example, that square types are more prone to action, oval types to interpersonal relationships, and triangular types to strategy. This applies not only to choosing a candidate but also to knowing how to choose your employer! He has our working future written on his face: to make a small hint without wanting to be exhaustive, if square he will demand order and discipline, if triangular speed and if oval resourcefulness. Understanding from the beginning its priorities will avoid misunderstandings and future criticalities.

Morpho-physiognomy helps to understand each other even among colleagues

Corporate well-being depends above all on the harmonious and effective management of human resources, a successful team is a matter of human alchemy And balanced mix of capabilities. So learning Morphophisiognomicsmeans knowing how to recognize the uniqueness in the multiple diversity, knowing how to choose the right person for each specific task and being able to harmoniously coordinate the group, in full awareness of the dynamics of attraction and opposition, making the most of the talents of each. Today, more and more cutting-edge companies and freelancers are adopting the "I Am Instant Analysis Morphophysiognomics" system. as a tool for team building, marketing and leadership, considering the human factor as an added value to create an authentic relationship with their employees and customers.

(*) Source: Jooble

Morphophysiognomics Nuova frontiera del linguaggio del corpo e della comunicazione non verbale

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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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