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Lesson 14 - Esdaile State (Hypnotic Coma)

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The dr. James Esdale in the second half of the 1800s opens a new important chapter in the field of mesmerism and of Hypnosis, manages to bring the person into such a profound state that he can operate surgically without anesthesia. He does it in India, at the hospital in Calcutta, on the battlefield, where he gets to perform thousands of surgical operations until he reduces the mortality rate from 50% to 5%. Perhaps the key to its success lies in what could be considered a deficit: poor scientific knowledge. Having only a vague idea of scientific concepts has allowed him to operate without "preconceptions" and a free mind can sometimes generate new solutions. The simplicity of approach emerges from his own description of the applied method, which can be summarized in a triad: using the force of mesmerism (Magnetism Animal) for the desensitization combined with that of intention (Will) and words (Suggestion). In fact he had the patient settled down, relaxed him and more or less for a quarter of an hour he regularly submitted him to mesmeric spraying, making several magnetic steps on the body until he obtained the desired catalepsy, which could arrive after an hour as after days. According to his own indications:

“It is best not to test the patient's condition by talking to him, but by gently testing the catalepsy of the arm. If the arms remain fixed in any position in which they are left and require a certain force to move them to a new position, the process has been successful (and the surgical operation can begin). "

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Have a nice learning!

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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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