THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS - Free online Summit - 15 experts for you!
Published —
- How to pursue success and live well?
- How to create the optimal conditions for success?
- What are the winning strategies to achieve your goals?
- What are the characteristics that successful people have in common?
- How do they think and act?
Inspirations, tips, strategies and good practices to put into practice right away.
Every morning for 15 days you will receive an e-mail with the interview of the day that will give you the charge and the inspiration to start the day on the right foot.
Thanks to this series of interviews you will get:
- greater understanding of what are the critical factors for achieving the
- professional success
- greater self-awareness and determination to act
- many good practices and strategies to start experimenting immediately
- a dedicated Facebook group to interact directly with all of us
- and so on….
Discover the secrets of the experts every day and start here to take the road to your success!
I gladly accepted the invitation from Angeli Santi Life & Business Coach, a professional always active in promoting the best of us.
In my interview we talk about how success is a purely private and intimate matter, each of us is realized in a different way.
Beyond what society shows us as success factors, we are truly complete when we understand what it means to be truly "rich" for us. For some it could be material goods, for others spiritual achievements, for others still health etc etc.
Find out what you want from you and give it to you!
Grow up today.
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Ester Patricia Ceresa
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