IL TE È SERVITO – From rags to riches
SEASON 1 | EPISODE 2 – Intelligence: a perfect machine
Intelligence or intelligences? Different "brains" act in man which coordinate and govern many functions. There is logical intelligence, creative intelligence, emotional intelligence and food intelligence, just to name a few.
Ester & Fiammetta invite you on a formidable journey across the planet Human Being, to discover the potential inherent in each of us and how to exploit it to the fullest of our abilities. In this episode a SUPER NEW: the Televolto. Vote for the character whose characters you want to discover with a morpho-physiognomic analysis.
From Stables to Stars
Episode after episode, in a virtual space out of time and space with an artificial intelligence as boatswain, a journey inside exquisitely ordinary men and women, to discover the extraordinary inherent in each of us.
Practical ideas for experimenting with what science is increasingly discovering about us and which, after all, we already knew. Because sometimes, the heart and the belly come first.
A dedicated group and channel
TEA IS SERVED. A program by Ester Patricia Ceresa| Academy Master Trainer in Hypnosis and Coaching and Fiammetta Tonelli | Professional & Motivational Counselor Speaker
Grow up today.
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