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Enneagram and Bach Flowers: Manager type and Heather type

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Have you ever had a friend who always and only talks to you, who focuses the discourses on your "I" and don't listen to those around you? We are dealing with a Heather personality!

The Heather type tends to be highly self-centered, with an immense hunger for affection and attention, he doesn't like to be alone.

Edward Bach, the British doctor who discovered the energetic properties of flowers as natural remedies, called him a "button hanger". Concentrate conversations only to talk about yourself, your problems and your experiences always attracting attention to yourself.

The speeches must be self-centered, otherwise the subject Heather does everything to direct them so as to exhaust the interlocutor, who may tire of listening to him and ending up avoiding him. Therefore loneliness, his great fear, is often the result of his behavior. De asemenea, fizic are un aspect „egoic”, pentru că tinde să-i ajute pe ceilalți, impunându-i doar punctul de vedere. Tot din acest motiv, există în general legături superficiale de prietenie; are tendința mai mult să supună persoanelor cu dispoziții sensibile și succubus, care sunt fascinate de lumina ei și trăiesc de lumina reflectată. His self-centered being, in the most extreme and profound way, leads him to solitude. This would refer to what is called the "needy child syndrome".


In disharmonious state, this personality is incapable of carrying out a reflective listening action, because it needs to let off steam, caring only about itself and being authoritarian.


The physical symptoms of the disharmonious state are related to the feeling of anxiety, such as, for example, tendency to have asthma attacks, irritable bowel, hypertension, bulimia.


In its harmonious state, it learns to listen to others, creating an atmosphere of protection, serenity and trust; allows you to recognize the existence of an inner guide capable of taking care of the needy part.

If you make reference to Enneagram, another tool that studies personalities aimed at their harmonization, the Bach Heater person could be related to type 3: the Manager. Evocative name, which recalls its primary characteristic, that of being a promoter, primarily of itself.

Quick, performing, fast, who lives the time of American business, he aspires to success. Equipped with formidable energy and enthusiasm, it is achieved by doing and aims to be the best in what he does. This is why it takes a lot of time and energy to create its public image, with which it ends up identifying itself. Vanesio loves to talk about himself, absolutely his favorite topic.

Passionate, he moves on the wings of feelings, but narcissistic or not so much to love others as to love himself. He feels love, but the feeling is almost narcissistic, he channels his emotional energy into taking the initiative and working hard to achieve his goals. As if to say that it takes "heart" to get there and for real feelings it has little time. His attention to maintaining his image and achieving results can hinder personal needs and health. Like the Heater types, the eneatipo Manager also detests the loneliness that would lead him to confront himself, for this reason he is overloaded with commitments, people, small and big problems that he faces with an impatient and competitive frown.


When confronted with failure enters the phase of disharmonic stress, the self-referential mechanism is accentuated, with an enormous increase in the ego, it comes to think that failure is the result of world machinations, armies of enemies / friends intent on observing its moves to defeat him.


When confronted with failure enters the phase of disharmonic stress, the self-referential mechanism is accentuated, with an enormous increase in the ego, it comes to think that failure is the result of world machinations, armies of enemies / friends intent on observing its moves to defeat him.


In the harmonic rest phase it accesses higher emotions and aspires to higher values than those of material realization. Seeks the truth, which is the will to go beyond appearances and develop personal authenticity allows you to let go of the image and the social person and find your inner essence.


Rubric of Enneagram, Morpho-physiognomy and Bach Flowers.

Edited by  Ester Patricia Ceresa and Alessia De Santis (Counselor Naturopatia Blog)

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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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