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Lesson 16 - Brain waves and frequencies - Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma

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To better understand how our brain waves work, imagine sinking into absolute sleep ( Delta phase ) and then gently awakening ( Theta phase ), remaining dozing in a half-sleep ( Alpha phase ) before you get up. Once on your feet, while you start thinking about the day's activities ( Beta phase) , you get an intuition, an idea that solves a problem that has been bothering you for some time (Gamma phase).

Our brain, as an electrochemical organ, is like an electrical circuit. The different areas are formed by neurons where, as in a harmonious musical symphony, the different neural cells are constantly activated and deactivated according to the impulses of the nervous system. This intense electrical activity was recorded thanks to the use of a measuring instrument, the electroencephalogram (EEG), which revealed the existence of five different types of electrical schemes or "brain waves" that activate, through the cortex, different neuronal activities. By connecting the brain wave frequencies recorded by the device to other physiological measuring instruments (heart rate, muscle tension, body temperature, attention levels, immune response, etc etc), we have come to the surprising discovery of how each of the five frequencies of the our brain is connected to a corresponding metaphysical capacity. Then numerous further scientific studies were conducted to determine the relationship between the frequency range and associated mental and behavioral states to a reference map.

Brain activity is classified into 5 main categories of waves called Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma, depending on the frequency of the waves emitted or the number of oscillations per second of these waves. The unit of measurement is in hertz (Hz). One hertz equals one ripple per second. The human brain emits 4 to 45 oscillations per second. These brain waves are long, measuring between 10 and 100 meters (1 Mm = 1,000,000 meters = 1000 km) and have a very low amplitude, a very short frequency (some hertz) and low power (some microvolts).

The ability of our brain to become flexible and pass through various frequencies, changing them according to the context, plays an important role in the quality of our life because it affects the way we behave, think, move and process.

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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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