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What's your body and face shape?

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Is it square, round or triangular? 

Find out which one you match and what it says about you


Very often we struggle to understand ourselves, let alone others. One of the solutions to the enigma is written on us, did you know that your body and your face tell a lot about you? Starting today, I invite you to look in the mirror as if you were doing it for the first time and follow this small path of Morphophysiognomy, step by step you can, in an easy and stimulating way, get more and more in touch with yourself and with others.

⭐️⭐️⭐️Weekly a a new video for your guided observation and you will discover, drop by drop, a sea of things about yourself and others that you can explore further in the book and seminars!


Is it square, round or triangular? Find out which one you match and what it says about you in today's episode.

The methodology applied is I AM (Instant Analysis Morphophysiognomics) developed by Ester Patricia Ceresa after years of research and made available in a manual and in seminars where he teaches this easy and very useful tool for everyone.

Grow up today.

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Ester Patricia Ceresa

Ester Patricia Ceresa

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