Hermeticism Exercise
It is a path of spiritual growth and is named after the Greek god Hermês Trismegistus, which translates to Hermes thrice-born, or Hermes thrice-born. Hermes is believed to be a reincarnation of the Egyptian god Thôth, who was the god of wisdom, writing, science and magic. Hermes is the messenger of the gods.
The Hermeticism has also been called the Western Esoteric Tradition and embraces the Perennial Philosophy, revolving around a collection of fascinating texts on the divine, the cosmos, the mind, nature,Alchemy and Astrology that hand down the Eternal Wisdom attributed precisely to the legendary figure Hermes Trismegistos, otherwise called Mercury:
- the so-called Hermetica written for the most part in the region of Alexandria, also called Corpus Hermeticum (II and III century AD), where the seven hermetic principles are revealed
- the Kybalion where are enunciated the seven laws that govern the universe
- the Tavola Smeraldina, always attributed to Hermes.
Many excellent minds followed and still follow the hermetic path, just think about Pico della Mirandola, Giordano Bruno or Isaac Newton who studied Hermeticism because he was convinced it helped him to understand the physical world around him.
Last weeks we did practice of Human Alchemy. Sometimes there is confusion between Hermeticism and Alchemy. What's the difference? Let's talk about it together in this week's video tutorial.
Basic Practice of Self Transmutation
VIDEO TUTORIAL a brief explanation and a practical exercise to begin to access in a simple way a knowledge still today reserved for the few.
Grow up today.
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